Friday, March 09, 2007

Become a partner in a huge web 2.0 site

The huge contextual platform LinkedWords, we are covering and using since its launch back in July 2006, went out this Saturday (March the 10th) with an ad in the The Economist looking for investors!

Below is an extraction from the page as found over here:™ is a unique and innovative concept built upon massive web 2.0 contextual platform. With 38 Million English words, phrases and whole sentences built-in, which web sites use to get contextually linked with, it aims to maximize the contextual linking on web.

Currently the platform is rapidly growing** and reshaping the way web sites do links on web by shifting the focus from off-text links (links outside the content / simple links) to in-text links (links in the context / contextual links). By linking strategic words in the text, web sites connect in a contextual way to's platform and to other sites with the same content, which results in dramatically increased web visibility and precisely targeted visitors for the sites involved. Our ambitious vision for the future is to start helping the common web users find information in the context of the subject they are reading by clicking on the same contextually... linked words.

We launched in July 2006 and since then the site had tremendous growth and the last month (February '07) it ended up with:

  • More than 38 Million static pages;
  • More than 5 Million+ page views;
  • 1 Million+ visits;
  • 200,000+ unique visitors;
  • 226,000+ back links according to Yahoo!;
  • 30,000+ contextual links (in-text linked words);
  • 6/10 Google PageRank™;
  • 300,000+ indexed pages;
  • Alexa Ranking in the range of 8,000/16,000, the highest so far was 4,888;
  • Quantcast measured traffic ~270,000 uniques/month.

The company has its own well-established back-end IT firm based in the European Union

We are looking for one or two more private investors*** or partners*** to accelerate our growth further.

Email them at:

*38,000,000 and counting web pages

**More than 5 Million+ page views (February '07)

***Only serious investors will be considered and replied further

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